
Java - backup Essbase

We can create Java procedure that will automatically backup the Essbase database, and even recover the essbase database when necessary.
package com.essbase.samples.japi;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.io.File;

import com.essbase.api.base.EssException;
import com.essbase.api.datasource.EssSEQID;
import com.essbase.api.datasource.EssTRANSACTION;
import com.essbase.api.datasource.EssTRANSACTION_REPLAY;
import com.essbase.api.datasource.IEssCube;
import com.essbase.api.datasource.IEssOlapFileObject;
import com.essbase.api.datasource.IEssOlapServer;
import com.essbase.api.domain.IEssDomain;
import com.essbase.api.session.IEssbase;

* Signs on to essbase domain,
* creates a App and Cube, backups the database(cube) and then restores it.
* In order for this sample to work in your environment, make sure to
* change the s_* variables to suit your environment.
* @author
* @version
public class BackupAndRestoreDatabase {
// NOTE: Change the following variables to suit your setup.
private static String s_userName = "system";
private static String s_password = "password";
private static String s_olapSvrName = "localhost";
/* Possible values for s_provider:
"Embedded" or "http://localhost:13080/aps/JAPI" */
private static String s_provider = "Embedded"; // Default
private static final int FAILURE_CODE = 1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int statusCode = 0;
IEssbase ess = null;
IEssOlapServer olapSvr = null;
try {
// Create JAPI instance.
ess = IEssbase.Home.create(IEssbase.JAPI_VERSION);
// Sign On to the Provider
IEssDomain dom = ess.signOn(s_userName, s_password, false, null,s_provider);
// Open connection with OLAP server and get the cube.
olapSvr = (IEssOlapServer) dom.getOlapServer(s_olapSvrName);
try {
// Delete the App if it already exists
} catch (EssException x) {
// Ignore Error
// Create a new Application/Cube : BackUp/Basic - Copy of Sample/Basic
dom.copyCube(s_olapSvrName, "Sample", "Basic", s_olapSvrName, "BackUp","Basic");

IEssCube cube = olapSvr.getApplication("BackUp").getCube("Basic");

System.out.println("Cube Archive and Restore Sample completed.");
// Transaction logging requires the below essbase property to be set in essbase.cfg. Choose one
// of the below ways to set it.
// TransactionLogLocation AppName DbName LogLocation NATIVE ENABLE|DISABLE
// TransactionLogLocation AppName LogLocation NATIVE ENABLE
// TransactionLogLocation LogLocation NATIVE ENABLE
// Ex: TransactionLogLocation Sample Basic D:\Hyperion\AnalyticServices-950\app\Sample\Basic NATVIE ENABLE
// TransactionLoggingAndReplay(cube);

// Delete newly created Application.

} catch (EssException x) {
System.out.println("Error: " + x.getMessage());
statusCode = FAILURE_CODE;
} finally {
// Close OLAP server connection and sign off from the domain.
try {
if (olapSvr != null && olapSvr.isConnected() == true)
} catch (EssException x) {
System.out.println("Error: " + x.getMessage());

try {
if (ess != null && ess.isSignedOn() == true)
} catch (EssException x) {
System.out.println("Error: " + x.getMessage());
// Set status to failure only if exception occurs and do abnormal termination
// otherwise, it will by default terminate normally
if (statusCode == FAILURE_CODE)

static void TransactionLoggingAndReplay(IEssCube cube) throws EssException {

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTime(new Date());
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -2);
SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy:HH:mm:ss");
String date = fmt.format(cal.getTime());
System.out.println("From Date specified for Transactions is :"+ date);
EssTRANSACTION[] list = cube.listTransactions((short)1, date, IEssCube.ESS_LIST_TRANSACTIONS_TOCLIENT, "");
if (list == null || list.length ==0) {
System.out.println("\nNo transactions to List or Replay since "+ date +".\n"
+"Please comment out the BackUpAndRestore(cube) function call in this sample and\n ensure you have executed a transaction like loaddata prior to running this sample.");

for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { System.out.println(list[i] +"\n"); } System.out.println("List transactions complete"); EssTRANSACTION_REPLAY replayTran = new EssTRANSACTION_REPLAY((byte)2, date, 1); EssSEQID[] seqIds = new EssSEQID[1]; seqIds[0] = new EssSEQID(list[0].getSeq_id(), list[0].getSeq_id_upper(), 1, list[0].getSeq_id_upper()); cube.replayTransactions(replayTran, seqIds); System.out.println("Relplay transactions complete"); } static void BackUpAndRestore(IEssCube cube) throws EssException { cube.loadData(true, false, "Product Market Actual Sales Jan 4469\n" + "Product Market Actual Sales Feb 42494"); String ArchiveFile = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + "demobasic.arc"; cube.archiveDatabase(ArchiveFile, "", true); // Take backup. cube.loadData(IEssOlapFileObject.TYPE_RULES, null, IEssOlapFileObject.TYPE_TEXT, "Calcdat", false); String[] Src = null; String[] Dest = null; // Unload Database before restoring. do { try { Thread.sleep(5000); cube.stop(); break; } catch(EssException x){ // If error occurs in unloading database because database is in use(Error #1013113), // wait for 5 sec. and try again. if(x.getNativeCode() == 1013113) continue; else break; } catch (Exception x) { break; } } while (true); cube.restoreDatabase(ArchiveFile, false, Src, Dest); // Restore database. (new File (ArchiveFile)).delete(); } static void acceptArgs(String[] args) throws EssException { if (args.length >= 4) {
s_userName = args[0];
s_password = args[1];
s_olapSvrName = args[2];
s_provider = args[3]; //PROVIDER
} else if (args.length != 0) {
System.err.println("ERROR: Incorrect Usage of this sample.");
System.err.println("Usage: java " + BackupAndRestoreDatabase.class.getName()
+ " ");
System.exit(1); // Simply end