1 Stop OpenLDAP and Shared Services.
2 Back up the Shared Services directory from the file system.Shared Services files are in HYPERION_HOME/deployments and HYPERION_HOME/products/Foundation.
3 Optional:
* Windows—Back up these Windows registry entries using REGEDIT and export:
HKLM/SOFTWARE/Hyperion Solutions
* UNIX—Back up these items:
.hyperion.* files in the home directory of the user name used for configuring the
product user profile (.profile or equivalent) file for the user name used for configuring the product
4 Shut down the Shared Services relational database and perform a cold backup using RDBMS tools.
To recover Shared Services from a cold backup:
1 Restore the OS.
2 Using Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installer, Fusion Edition, install Shared Services binaries. Note: Do not configure the installation.
OpenLDAP Services is created during installation.
3 Restore the Shared Services cold backup directory from the file system.
4 Restore the cold backup of the Shared Services relational database using database tools.
5 Optional: Restore the Windows registry entries from the cold backup.
6 (Windows) If Shared Services Web application service must be recreated, run HYPERION_HOME/deployments/AppServer/bin/installServiceSharedServices9.bat.
7 Start the OpenLDAP service and Oracle's Hyperion Shared Services.