File System Backup:
Regular file system backups are recommended for these EPM System products:
. Shared Services (cold backup)
. Dashboard Development Services
. Oracle Hyperion EPM Architect, Fusion Edition
. Oracle Hyperion Performance Scorecard, Fusion Edition
. Planning
. Reporting and Analysis
File system items that are commonly backed up:
. Hyperion home directory (to back up all installed products), especially these subdirectories:
. HYPERION_HOME/common/config/ (to back up the configuration and reconfiguration settings written to the Shared Services Registry)
. For Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Workspace, Fusion Editionmodules,
. EPM Workspace search index files in HYPERION_HOME/common/config/
. HYPERION_HOME/products/specific_product
. HYPERION_HOME/deployments (EPM System Web application deployment subdirectory)
Note: This item applies only to products that require a Web application server.
. Product applications and application data
. In Windows environments:
. Windows registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and all of its subkeys
. Windows Environment Varables
Database Backup
l Databases that store EPM System application data
l Shared Services databases:
m Relational database for Shared Services
This database contains Shared Services Registry, which stores most product
configuration settings.
See “Backing Up the Shared Services Relational Database ” on page 17.
m OpenLDAP database, if OpenLDAP is used as the Shared Services Native Directory
m Oracle Internet Directory database if Oracle Internet Directory is used as the Shared
Services Native Directory
See the Oracle Internet Directory documentation (
Preparing These backups are recommended:
m Physical full backup immediately after installation and configuration
m Weekly cold backup with complete backup of files under HYPERION_HOME/
m Daily hot backups of transaction logs after OpenLDAP checkpoints are run
The transactions logs are in HYPERION_HOME/products/Foundation/openLDAP/
var/openldap-data/log.000000000x. A backup copies the logs to the logfiles
(Windows) or LogFiles (UNIX) subfolder of the backup folder. Examples: (UNIX)
o Windows—Running backup.bat c:/temp/bck copies the logs to c:/temp/
o UNIX—Running c:/temp/bck copies the logs to c:/temp/bck/