
Map IP address to Host Name

You can ping the server IP address, but cannot ping the host name of the server.
Solution: add record in the client host file. The host file is located at \windows\system32\drivers\etc\*

You are having a Name Resolution issue. The internet uses a DNS service to

map names to ip-addresses. However, those are Public ip-addresses, not private

Lan addresses. To solve this Windows uses multiple techniques:

a Master Browser to record systems

the host file

If you have dependable ip-addresses (ie: static addresses or MAC enforced ip assignments),

then you can enter the mapping into your host file (this is the technique I use).

The host file is located at \windows\system32\drivers\etc\* and the format of the entry is

ip-address (one or more spaces) theSystemName

The host file allows any system to be included, private (eg your desktop) and public

(eg www.google.com) -- but make sure you get the ip-address correct!