
Cannot start Essbase Server?

Problem: Cannot start Essbase Server?
The message is: Fatal Error: invalid item Index in Security File.

I can start the Essbase Service in Windows Service, and it shows "started", one second later, I refresh, it shows not started. I think it is about the Essbase.sec file corrupted, and I have rename essbase.bak to essbase.sec, still not working. I don't have an old backup for the essbase.sec. Should I reinstall Essbase? Please advise,thanks!
Solution 1(by GlennS):
If the security file is corrupted and you don't have a backup, you do not need to reinstall. You might lose all your security information howver.

First, rename the essbase.sec file

Then open a cmd window and enter Essbase.exe you should have Essbase start in the foreground and be asking for information. Enter the organization name

When it asks for the user, put in the admin id then the admin password. It should start Essbase, but none of the applications will be recognized.

Next start EAS and and right click oin the applications and select create application. One by One enter in the application names that are in the arborpath\Essbase\essbase\server\app folder.

It should re-add the applications.

Recreate any filters you had and if you are running shared services try to resync the users and groups.
Solution 2(by JohnGoodWin):
Just to add if you are using shared services,

have you tried renaming ESSBASE.BAK_startup to ESSBASE.sec to see if that works.

If that doesn't then ESSBASE.BAK_postUPM to ESSBASE.sec will be the essbase sec file just after essbase was converted to shared services mode.