The Embedded Java Application Programming Interface (JAPI) feature is a simple deployment of the JAPI solution. Enabling this feature will provide the Application Builder for .NET applications to establish connection with the Essbase servers even when Provider Services is not installed, see Figure. The connection protocol between the Application Builder for .NET
applications and the Essbase servers is TCP/IP or HTTPS.
The embedded JAPI deployment for Application Builder for .NET includes .jar files and property files. When you enable the embedded JAPI feature, the Application Programming Interface (API) client will include these .jar files and property files in the Application Builder for .NET application.
Some of the current Java API customers may require only Java API functionality, and will not require a full installation of the Provider Services product with the extended functionality such as Clustering, High Availability, Connection Pooling, and XMLA provider.
Complete these prerequisites to enable this feature:
● %APS_HOME% should contain both \bin and \data folders
● %APS_HOME%\bin should contain file
● Update the file.
In \HABNET_HOME\products\Essbase\habnet\Server\lib\, In file include value EDSUrl=Embedded.
● From Essbase server installation location: HABNET_HOME\products\Essbase\habnet\server\lib copy the file to %APS_HOME%\bin. Enabling Embedded JAPI
The embedded JAPI feature is available when you install this release of Application Builder for .NET. However, to enable this feature, you must do some updates to the file. With this feature update to the Application Builder for .NET release, to establish connection between Application Builder for .NET applications and Essbase has a option of using either Provider Services or embedded JAPI depending on the requirement.
This utility is run based on the following assumptions:
● The password information of the Essbase servers are read without any encryption.
● The user ID and password information is used for authentication and this utility will update only the server name information in the domain.db file.
● The utility will read the environment variables APS_HOME and ABNET_HOME to get the location information of the files domain.db and essbase_servers.xml.
➤ To enable the embedded JAPI utility:
1 In the file, for EDSUrl provide the value Embedded.
2 Save and close the file.
➤ To revert to Provider Services:
1 In the file, for EDSUrl provide the value EDSUrl = http://
2 Save and close the file.
Managing the Embedded JAPI Feature
This feature offers a utility that gathers the Essbase server information (server name, user ID,and password) from the XML template file essbase_servers.xml and updates the domain.db file. The user has a privilege to add the server information in essbase_servers.xml to "add","delete" and "None" actions to update the domain.db file.
The essbase_servers.xml file must include these server information:
In essbase_servers.xml file the action attribute can have one of the following values:
Add, Delete and None. Add value adds the specified server information to domain.db file.
Delete value deletes the specified server information from the domain.db file. None value means no action performed on the domain.db file. The Application Builder for .NET applications will use this information that is present in the domain.db file to communicate with the Essbase servers. The domain.db file is present in the folder APS_HOME\data.
Running the Embedded JAPI Utility
As prerequisite, the essbase_servers.xml file must be present in the location \HABNET_HOME\products\Essbase\habnet\Server\lib. Once this utility is run, the domain.db file is created in the location APS_HOME\data.
You can run the embedded JAPI utility from the Application Builder for .NET installation directories. The embedded JAPI utilty will update the server information in the domain.db file.
➤ To run the embedded JAPI utility and update the XML template file:
1 For Windows: from %HABNET_HOME%\products\Essbase\habnet\Server\bin\, run command
2 For Unix: from $HABNET_HOME/products/Essbase/habnet/Server/bin/, run command
You can register or deregister the Essbase servers with or without resetting the password or exporting the Essbase server information.
➤ To register the Essbase servers and reset the Essbase server passwords:
1 For Windows: from %HABNET_HOME%\products\Essbase\habnet\Server\bin\, run command
ESSJapiUtil.bat register.
2 For Unix: from $HABNET_HOME/products/Essbase/habnet/Server/bin/, run command register.
➤ To export the Essbase server information (This command will not record the password information):
1 In \HABNET_HOME\products\Essbase\habnet\Server\lib create the
essbase_servers_export.xml file.
2 For Windows: from %HABNET_HOME%\products\Essbase\habnet\Server\bin\, run command
ESSJapiUtil.bat export.
3 For Unix: from $HABNET_HOME/products/Essbase/habnet/Server/bin/, run command export.
➤ To register Essbase servers without passwords reset:
1 For Windows: from %HABNET_HOME%\products\Essbase\habnet\Server\bin\, run command
ESSJapiUtil.bat registernoreset.
2 For Unix: from $HABNET_HOME/products/Essbase/habnet/Server/bin/, run command registernoreset.